Team Elevate Endurance
Team Elevate Endurance was formed in 2012 and is a cycling club based out of Hendricks County, Indiana (formerly Team BOI and Team CFW). Our team consists of over 50 athletes with varying levels of skill and experience. Team Elevate Endurance athletes participate and compete in all types of cycling disciplines including road, gravel, mountain, cyclocross, and multi-sport.
Team Elevate Endurance's mission is focused on these three pillars:
📈 ELEVATE Others: we want to be a team that exudes servant leadership, building those around us up instead of tearing them down. We welcome athletes of all experience levels and skill - our goal is to encourage and lead those new to the sport, while simultaneously motivating and challenging those with more experience.
📈 ELEVATE Community: we strive to make a positive impact in both our local community and in the cycling community. Our teammates donate hundreds of hours each year hosting cycling events and giving back to the local community through volunteer work. We want to strengthen our communities and grow our communities.
📈 ELEVATE Performance: by elevating others and elevating community, we will in turn elevate the performance of the entire team. We want to foster an environment of accountability, dedication, and teamwork. We want to compete, and we want to “win” (but “winning” is going to mean something different to each of our teammates - winning is not always just about being first person to cross the line).